Housing Justice’s Night Shelter Lettings Network wins the Prestigious London Homelessness Award for 2024

The 2024 award winners

First Prize (£30,000) - Housing Justice’s Night Shelter Lettings Network

Housing Justice created the Night Shelter Lettings Network, which lists all rental properties in London with rents at Housing Benefit levels. This allows equal access to the latest property information, reducing the risk of people missing out on opportunities. The easy-to-use platform is used by caseworkers and their clients, giving more choice than was possible before.

Joint Second Prize (£15,000) - Lambeth Council

In 2020 Lambeth Council realised that services for homeless young people were not meeting their needs. The team undertook a needs assessment which showed that the council were not preventing youth homelessness; young people felt ‘warehoused’ and ‘unsafe’ in big hostels; mental health needs were not met; there was no support to move into independent accommodation.

A large-scale transformation programme was started; to decommission everything and start again. The hostels decanted, and a new pathway was designed and commissioned between Housing and Children’s Social Care with a pooled budget to drastically improve outcomes.

There is now a real emphasis on preventing homelessness and keeping young people in a home environment, or in independent accommodation with support.

Joint Second Prize (£15,000) – Treasures Foundation

Treasures Foundation offers a home for 13 women who would otherwise be homeless. This is a unique provision in London, providing female-only support, delivering addiction recovery which often leads to homelessness and catering for any age and background. The trauma-informed approach addresses complex needs and transforms lives, equipping women with the tools/resources they need to re-build their lives and work towards an independent, and productive life free from trauma, abuse and homelessness. Their work is supported by staff with lived experience and is holistic in its process and beneficiary led with each woman’s needs treated individually.

The team focus on whole lives, reconnecting women with families, offering therapy and support to family members, rebuilding support networks.